la bea boheme
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
I've moved!
I am writing because I have started a new blog which I hope will grow and prosper and which I shall be using instead of la-bea-boheme. I have really appreciated all the support you have given me and my writing and just want to say a big THANK YOU!
If you do want to follow more of my adventures - and of course I'd highly recommend - please take a look at the and perhaps give it a cheeky follow.
Much love to you all,
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Look who's back!
Well, hello, long time no see!
I haven't posted in a while because life suddenly go rather frantic. However, I've now regained some spare time so I thought I would pop my head around and say hello.
I will be doing a proper post this week on relaxation and finding happiness, which I have had planned for what seems like an age. However right now I just wanted to keep you all updated.
First things first, no I haven't died/gone into hiding/fallen asleep for a hundred years, I have just had a huge amount of coursework that has been desperately taking all my attention and any that is left has been directed to revision and deciding which university to firm.
Secondly, (ignore the essay feel, I've still got my coursework head on) I have a new Instagram @ruby.bea which is la-bea-boheme's official account and I would strongly encourage a cheeky follow (no, how dare you suggest I am bias in anyway!).
And finally I hope you are all enjoying the little bit of sun that has been gracing us! I for one am loving not having to dress up in a scarf, full winter coat and about fifty billion layers. I'm not quite sure what I think about the new '70s vibe, well, I love it on everyone apart from myself (it actually makes me look I'm going as one of ABBA to a fancy dress party...). But, I'm sure it'll warm on me and I look forward to sharing all my spring hauls with you.
Love you all and promise I will begin posting on a schedule again soon.
Monday, 2 March 2015
The week in photos: 04
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Exploring the Brecon Beacons
Monday, 23 February 2015
Week in photos: 03
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Mid-month fancies
Monday, 16 February 2015
Week in photos: 02