Saturday, 28 February 2015
Exploring the Brecon Beacons
As I mentioned in my previous post, last weekend I went for a mini break in the Brecon Beacons (it feels strange to call it a 'mini break' due to automatic associations of romance and lounging in deckchairs, none of happened on this...). We stayed in a medieval house, tucked in the Welsh mountains, far from, well, anything excluding from sheep! It was lovely to just have a few days away from everything, and to forget about upcoming exams and the menial stresses of everyday life.
Monday, 23 February 2015
Week in photos: 03
Monday - the crocuses are out so spring must be on its way!
Tuesday - Pancake Day and thus the perfect day to pick our lemon which we have been growing since summer.
Wednesday - sun, sun, sun! What a beautiful day to wake up to.
Thursday - Have really started to enjoy going for a run this week due to the lovely weather.
Friday - Exploring in the Brecon Beacons (more on this soon!)
Saturday - an unusual find.
Sunday - nothing is better than homemade, nothing.
Hope you have all had a lovely week, be it half-term or not! And made the most of lovely weather. (I realise as I post this it's currently sleeting so think our spring has come and gone...)
Wednesday, 18 February 2015
Mid-month fancies
I’m writing this with my window wide open and the sun (and birdsongs!) streaming in. It is gorgeous and I’d like the weather to stay this way, okay, sun did you hear that?! Do. Not. Move. If we could just skip and get to late June already that would be a nice, and I think all round beneficial idea. Anyway back this, and by this I mean a new series of mid-month favourites, or fancies as I like to call them...
Hot cross buns
It’s officially lent now, so it’s basically Easter, yes? Thus scoffing hot cross buns is socially acceptable. Whilst the majority of the UK gets overly excited when Creme Eggs hit the shelves (admittedly I also do), hot cross buns are what really float my boat and they made it to this post purely on the fact that they will be the only things I’m eating until Easter. Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of these beauties, because, well, they have mysteriously disappeared – what?! Don’t give me that look!
CK One – Red for her
Before I dash down to the shops to stock up on the aforementioned delicacies I thought I’d spread some light on my new favourite perfume. I’m not sure how long it’s available on the shelves but it rather new for me, and as someone particular in their use of scent I was surprised how much I fell for this. It’s light, fruity but floral tones places it most definitely in the day perfume box but also makes it perfect for spring. I wear it consistently and have numerous compliments on how I smell every time. Although I’m tempted to persuade you it really is just my unique natural scent, I have to admit it is all down to this beauty!
The Noto Journal
My mum recently left this beauty (a to be stocking present which got forgotten) on my desk as a lovely surprise for when I got home. I think it is absolutely darling in the blue; the colours remind me of summer and really perk up my day! It is perfect for keeping in my bag and jotting down notes throughout the day.
What, Ruby bought trainers?! The same Ruby who hasn’t run since year eleven and didn’t expect to ever do so again unless: a. there was a zombie apocalypse or b. a free giveaway at FCUK. Fortunately and unfortunately neither of these have yet to occur and yet somehow I have found myself in the possession of trainers.
“But exercise is so good for you” said every member of my family ever as I laughed, shrugged and went back to gorging on Ben and Jerry’s whilst watching HIMYM. But last weekend I succumbed to what has been eighteen years of my family trying to get me to go on a run and did it. And you know what?! I actually enjoyed it. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I went for not one but three runs, almost consecutively. The only reason I didn’t do more was due to the uncomfortable blisters my toes had sprung due to my bright idea of running in my old summer taps. Thus this led me to trekking into town and purchasing a pair of shiny new Nike trainers from what sister put as “the most depressing shop I’ve ever been in” (a poorly lit, claustrophobic sport shop full of hyperactive young boys and haggard mothers). But hey I now own a pair of these darlings and as well as making running a hell of a lot easier and not killing my feet, having actual running career inspires me to keep it up.
Hope you’re having a good week. Are any of these your favourites this month, if not what are? Any recommendations?
Monday, 16 February 2015
Week in photos: 02
Monday - it felt so mystical to wake up to this, a bit grey and grungy but mystical none the less.
Tuesday - this little beauty was waiting for me when I got home and it made my day.

Thursday - a cup of tea and a read of the paper is just what I needed after such a hectic day and before a night out.
Hope you're all having a lovely week and had a special Valentine's Day or, like myself, a racing Galentine's Day!
Friday, 13 February 2015
Six top films for when you’re having one of "those" days
We all have one of those
days sometimes, don’t we? When a cold is on the fringes, looking in the
mirror gives you a fright and the week has dragged by, the only thing that will
be sufficient to is a good old fashioned duvet day.
I’ve been having a quite a few of those days at the moment, and it’s not helped by the continuous
cloud of sludge that is currently gracing England. When the rain is pouring and
you’re not exactly feeling your best then what is commonly prescribed is a
rom-com and ice-cream. I, for one, don’t have enough money to keep a continuous
stock Ben and Jerry ready for when these moments occur, so that part of the
plan is out the window pour moi. And, although I adore rom-coms I’m going to argue
and suggest some pure romantic oldies and a few feel good ones sure to bring a
tear or two.
So here are my top six films for one those days:
An Officer
and a Gentleman
Motorbikes. White Uniforms. Hot navy guys.
Need I say more?
(If you enjoyed this then I’d recommend Top Gun, similar scenario but plus young
Tom Cruise)
When Harry
Met Sally
Words do not describe my love for this film
– my go to movie at all times.
The notion men and women can’t be friends is
both supported and rebuked twice over.
I think this is the beginning of a
beautiful friendship and it certainly is, between yourself and the film. Black
and white, Humphrey Bogart, and a tough decision of having the one you love or saving the one you love.
1980s Yorkshire in the middle of the miners’
strike is not the traditional setting for a film but yet it works brilliantly. It
will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, as well as angsty and if you’re
me, slightly tearful at points.
A Little Princess
A Little Princess
My favourite childhood film, and thus perfectly
comforting. I weep every time.
Okay, one rom-com has sneaked in but hey this
has a young Hugh Grant as an extremely sexy bookshop owner in 1990s London. What’s
not to love?!
Now, grap your duvet, a nice mug of tea and get to it!
What are your
favourite films for a rainy day? Any of these make the list?
Thursday, 5 February 2015
My week in photos: 01
I really enjoy other bloggers 'photos of the week' posts and so have decided to create my own series: a photo per day of something that made me smile.
Monday - nothing better than being disturbed by your kitty's snoring
Tuesday - walking home from the denists I couldn't help but admire how beautiful the city I live in is and realise how often I take it for granted.
Wednesday - made brownies for a class at school and the look on my face as I licked out the bowl was of pure pleasure.
Thursday - it was just so cold and wintery outside that a night by the fire was just what I needed.
Hope you all had a lovely week.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Stress busting brownies
So tomorrow is my turn in our class's cake rota, and the way to people's hearts (especially a certain teacher who shall be marking my work) is with brownies, right?!
This has been my favourite recipe since I was little, it is incredibly easy and quick and the results absolutely to die for (I'm not usually a fan of cake mixture - there is a reason it should be baked first! - but the licking the bowl out in this recipe is what makes it!)
If you feel like a guilty treat or need to whip up some quick cake, you will need:
- 175g of margarine
- 350g of caster sugar
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
- 3 eggs
- 100g of plain flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 75g of cocoa powder
Pre heat the oven to 180oC, 350oF, Gas mark 4.
Heat the margarine and once melted pour over the sugar and vanilla essence in a large mixing bowl.
Then add the eggs and mix thoroughly .
Finally shift the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder into the bowl and stir.
Now pour the mixture into a shallow tin and place in the oven for 40 minutes, depending on how gooey or cakey you like your brownies - I normally keep them in the oven until I can smell them (with is usually around 15-20 minutes) and if the mixture doesn't stick to a knife when I poke the brownies, then I take them out.
Ta da! Now go and enjoy your brownies with a nice scoop of icecream and, if you're feeling particularly lovely, friends.
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